It is really a pleasure to contact a company as your, that offers the web-site translated in different European languages. It is a surprise to visit a Chinese web-site with the Italian text. I apologize for the request of motors I sent to you, but I inform you that we are using some linear adaptor for a product.
Could you offer us the mentioned adapters considering the following characteristics?
– AC/DC linear adapters
– I/P: 230Vac 50/60Hz; 120V 60Hz;
– O/P: 22VDC 600mA;
– plug: Euro; UK; USA and Australian wall plug;
– DC plug;
– Approvals: CE; UL/CSA; VDE
I am looking forward to receive your kind communications.
Thanks and best regards.
Purchasing Dept.
这封信的大意是: 写信给你公司真是一件无比愉快的事,因为你公司的网站提供了欧洲不同国家的语言。能够在一个中国的网站上看到意大利语真令人惊讶……我们的产品需要使用一种适配器,你们能够为我们提供具有下列特征的适配器吗?……
顾客的来信使我们无比兴奋… 更重要的是网站为我们带来了更多的客户!与新龙的合作有效果!” www.mosopower.com