The Pandora console is a gaming and PC handheld device unlike any other. 潘多拉控制台是一个不同于其他游戏的PC手持设备。
Its features are based on the suggestions and requests of hundreds of people on their support forums. It also runs on an Open Source Operation System. They use a version of Linux with a few of their own changes and they’re released those back to their community. 它的功能是为数百人同时在线的论坛提供支持。它依旧运行在一个开源的操作系统上。他们使用Linux版本加上自己的修改发布到他们的社区。
The natural choice for such an Open Source pioneer? Joomla. At their main site they’re also using Joomfish to allow easy translation of the site into German and Turkish. 自然选择开源的先锋JOOMLA。在他们的主网站上还使用Joomfish将网站切换到德语和土耳其语版本。
Written by Steve Burge,英文由Steve Burge撰写,中文由新龙翻译。