
It doesn’t take much research into the University of Alabama at Birmingham to realise it’s a very impressive research university: 不用花费过多精力去探究就可以深刻意识到阿拉巴马伯明翰大学是一所研究型大学:

  • UAB is ranked among the top 100 universities in United States and among the top 200 universities in the world, according to the 2009 Academic Ranking of World Universities.  根据2009年世界大学学术排名,UAB是位于美国大学前100名和全球大学前200名。
  • UAB has an estimated $3 Billion annual impact in the state of Alabama. It’s the state’s largest employer with more than 18,000 faculty and staff and over 53,000 jobs at the university and in the health system.  估计UAB每年有30亿美元影响阿拉巴马州。它是该州最大的雇主,有18000多名教职员工并在大学和卫生系统中提供53000多个工作职位。
  • UAB covers 83 blocks in the heart of Alabama’s largest city Birmingham. UAB位于阿拉巴马州大城市伯明翰的中心位置,其面积覆盖了83个区。
  • UAB runs Joomla for their main website http://UAB.edu (thought I’d leave the best for last!) UAB使用Joomla运行其主网站http://UAB.edu


Several other of the university’s subsites also run Joomla including:  UAB大学下面的数个子站也是使用Joomla,包括:

Written by Steve Burge,英文由Steve Burge撰写,中文由新龙翻译。
